
Warning! It is strongly suggested anyone seeking an expungement consult with an attorney prior to filing an expungement.

The filing fees for expungements are non-refundable and are as follows:

  • $200.00 cash or money order made payable to the Lafayette Parish Clerk of Court;

  • $250.00 money order made payable to the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information;

  • $50.00 money order made payable to the District Attorney, 15th Judicial District;

  • $50.00 money order made payable to the Lafayette Parish Sheriff;

  • $50.00 money order made payable to the Department of Public Safety (this only applies to charges of Driving While Intoxicated)

In addition, effective August 1, 2023 in reference to ACT No. 342 as follows:  a person may file a motion to expunge an arrest and conviction of a misdemeanor conviction for a first offense possession of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or chemical derivatives thereof after ninety days from the date of conviction. The following filing fees are non-refundable and are as follows:

  • $150.00 cash or money order made payable to the Lafayette Parish Clerk of Court;

  • $50.00 money order made payable to the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information;

  • $50.00 money order made payable to the District Attorney, 15th Judicial District;

  • $50.00 money order made payable to the Lafayette Parish Sheriff